We offer a range of clinics and services. For an appointment or further details please call our reception 01642 723421.
Antenatal Appointments
If you become pregnant please call our Reception team where information will be passed so you can complete an online form and a Midwife will then be in touch with a booking in appointment.
First contact Physiotherapy
Appointments are available (without seeing a GP first) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These can be booked online or telephone. Patients must be over 15 years. If you suffer bone, muscle, joint pains such as arthritis then please get in touch.
Mental Health Practitioner
Jane Hoggart is available to offer support and advice around any mental health need including: depression, stress, sleep and bereavement for patients over the age of 18 years. Face to Face and Telephone Appointments can be booked direct without seeing a GP first. Please get in touch with our Reception team who will be happy to help.
Child Health and Immunisation
Please telephone and speak to a receptionist for advice.
Please telephone and speak to a receptionist for advice
Health Promotion and Other Services
Available by appointment:
Chronic Disease Clinics – Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypothyroid, Chronic Heart Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, TIA/Stroke/Angina
Medical Examination
Please telephone and speak to a receptionist for advice.